Welcome to the world of premium cigars, where sophistication and relaxation meet in the bustling city of New York. As a cigar aficionado or a curious newcomer, discovering the perfect spot to indulge in this exquisite pleasure is essential.
This blog uncovers the 12 best cigar bars NYC has to offer, each boasting its unique ambiance and impressive selection of carefully curated cigars.
You Are Watching: 12 Best Cigar Bars Nyc Updated 09/2024
Top 12 Cigar Bars In NYC
Nat Sherman Townhouse
New York City is a haven for cigar aficionados, and the Nat Sherman Townhouse was once considered one of the best cigar bars in this bustling metropolis. With a rich 90-year history that began as a family-operated retail store on Broadway in 1930, this all-wood ornately designed lounge catered to both seasoned smokers and curious newcomers alike.
Within its welcoming walls were exclusive humidors housing rare Cuban cigars alongside other aromatic tobacco blends from around the world. In addition to offering high-end cigars for purchase, guests could also relax in plush leather chairs while sipping on their choice of scotch at the bar.
The ever-present sense of camaraderie made it not just another tobacco shop or smoking room but an experience savored by many who visited.
Soho Cigar Bar
Stepping into Soho Cigar Bar is like stepping back in time, as it’s one of the oldest and most vintage cigar bars in NYC. Established in 1998 under its previous name, Circa Tabac, this top-ranked lounge has made a lasting impression on the city’s cigar culture.
Having been ranked as the second-best cigar bar by Cigar Bar NYC, owner Lee Ringelheim emphasizes how Soho Cigar Bar is deeply anchored to traditional smoke shops where people gather to socialize and enjoy cigars together.
With someone from their welcoming staff always at hand to make your experience memorable, this speakeasy-style lounge offers more than just cigars—it provides an atmosphere reminiscent of New York City’s past with its exquisite vintage touches and ambiance.
The Carnegie Club
Nestled just steps away from the iconic Carnegie Hall on 56th St, The Carnegie Club offers a sophisticated and luxurious atmosphere for those seeking an exceptional Manhattan nightlife experience.
It boasts a premier selection of fine tobacco products and premium cigars that cater to discerning tastes.
Upon entering The Carnegie Club, guests are immediately enveloped in its elegant ambiance reminiscent of old New York glamour. Plush leather seating and warm lighting invite patrons to relax as they enjoy craft cocktails expertly prepared by skilled mixologists.
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The knowledgeable staff is always eager to recommend their favorite smokes or drinks tailored specifically to each guest’s preferences, making every visit unique and memorable.
Casa De Montecristo By Cigar Inn
This lounge spans over a welcoming space of 2000 square feet and provides visitors with an atmosphere perfect for unwinding after a long day.
The lounge features walk-in humidors to ensure that their cigars stay fresh continually. Casa de Montecristo offers visitors everything they need to enjoy their preferred taste in handmade premium cigars.
Club Macanudo
Club Macanudo is a classic cigar bar located in the heart of New York’s Upper East Side. It is highly regarded by both locals and visitors for its upscale smoking experience, knowledgeable bartenders and premium selection of cigars and spirits.
The bar features wooden Indians flanking the horseshoe-shaped bar that adds to an intimate ambiance, making it a perfect spot for socializing over cigars.
Food Network, USA Today, and CBS New York have featured Club Macanudo as one of the best cigar bars in NYC. To make sure you don’t miss out on this unique experience with your friends or family members who smoke cigars while enjoying some fine dining, it is recommended to reserve a table at Club Macanudo for dinner.
Merchants Cigar Bar
One of the best cigar bars in NYC, Merchants Cigar Bar offers an upscale ambiance with midcentury modern decor and premium cigars. But what sets this bar apart is its selection of high-end cocktails and whiskeys that pair perfectly with a good cigar.
The Bluebird, Mombacho Spritz, and 12-year scotch are just a few examples of the quality drinks available at Merchants. And for those looking to light up inside legally, the indoor smoking lounge provides a comfortable spot to enjoy your favorite cigar without having to brave the New York City weather outside.
The Grand Havana Room
The Grand Havana Room is a luxurious membership cigar club located in both Los Angeles and New York City. Known for its relaxed, exclusive atmosphere and exquisite architectural design, the club is considered one of the top 5 cigar bars in NYC by CBS News.
With a room entirely constructed of Spanish cedar and state-of-the-art humidors for its 650 members, The Grand Havana Room offers an unparalleled experience to its guests.
In addition to their extensive list of spirits and excellent wines, they also offer private rooms for more intimate gatherings and live music performances that add to the ambiance of this unique space.
The Davidoff Lounge
Located in Brookfield Place, this stylish cigar lounge spans over 2,000 square feet and offers members-only access with 24-hour lounge availability.
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The lounge’s sophisticated design and premium selection of cigars make it a popular destination for those seeking an upscale atmosphere for indulging their passion for premium tobacco products.
The Cigar Inn
The Cigar Inn is a popular cigar spot located six blocks down from the Queensboro Bridge. It’s known for its vast collection of premium cigars, walk-in humidor, and comfortable environment.
The walls are decorated with ashtrays, and the seating arrangement provides relaxation while enjoying high-quality tobacco accompanied by fine spirits.
With humidity control in place, it ensures that your cigars remain fresh throughout your stay at the lounge.
The Back Room
The Back Room is a hidden gem located in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. This underground speakeasy is famous for its vintage décor, cozy ambiance, and vast selection of cigars.
The bar features dim lighting, plush leather seats, and antique wallpaper that transport you back to the prohibition era. This cigar bar also serves creative cocktails designed to complement your choice of smoke.
You can either sit down at a table or reserve one of their private rooms if you’re looking for a more intimate experience.
Hudson Bar And Books
Hudson Bar and Books is a cigar and cocktail bar with three locations across Manhattan.
The average drink prices at Hudson Bar and Books are around $12, making it an affordable option for those looking for premium tobacco in a cozy atmosphere. Additionally, this legal cigar bar attracts both locals and tourists who enjoy its relaxed ambiance while savoring premium spirits.
The Toothy Moose
The Toothy Moose is a hidden gem among the top cigar bars in NYC. Though it’s not mentioned on most lists, its cozy and inviting atmosphere draws cigar enthusiasts from all over.
It’s located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan and offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city streets. The bar boasts an impressive collection of cigars, including rare finds that are hard to come by elsewhere.
For those struggling with alcoholism who still appreciate a good smoke, The Toothy Moose is a great option as it offers a relaxing environment without necessarily promoting excessive drinking like some other bars might do.
Sources: https://chesbrewco.com
Category: Places