Updated at: 14-08-2023 - By: John Lau

Are you a soda lover curious about the relationship between Dublin Red Cola and Dr Pepper?

In this article, we’re going to delve deeper into what makes these two sodas tick, comparing their flavors, ingredients and history.

Trust us – this is a fizzy journey you don’t want to miss!

Dublin Red Cola vs. Dr Pepper

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Similarities and differences

Dublin Red Cola and Dr Pepper, while both soda brands, have their own distinct features and characteristics.

Let’s explore some of the similarities and differences between these two beverages.

Dublin Red Cola Dr Pepper
Primary Flavors Cherry, licorice, plum, caramel, and cola. Cherry, caramel, and cola, but does not have the plum or licorice notes.
Key Sweetener Imperial Cane Sugar. High fructose corn syrup, though some versions use cane sugar.
Manufacturer Dublin Bottling Works. Dr Pepper Snapple Group.
History Has been developed over 126 years, offering a rich taste. Has a long history as well, but its exact formula and flavor profile have changed over time.
Alternative Names Often referred to as “Red Cola” or “Founders Recipe Cola.” Usually just referred to as “Dr Pepper.”

While both beverages share some similarities, such as cherry, caramel, and cola flavors, they also have unique differences.

Dublin Red Cola’s flavors have been developed over a longer period and it uses Imperial Cane Sugar as its primary sweetener.

On the other hand, Dr Pepper has its own distinct flavor profile and uses high fructose corn syrup in many of its versions. Their histories and manufacturing processes also differ significantly.

Flavor profile

Dublin Red Cola has a unique flavor profile that sets it apart from other colas. This craft soda combines the refreshing taste of cherry with hints of licorice, plum, and caramel. The result is a smooth and rich flavor that has been perfected over 126 years.

The strongest flavor in Dublin Red Cola is definitely the cherry, which gives it a distinct fruity kick. With its proprietary blend of cola and stone fruit flavors, Dublin Red Cola offers a taste experience like no other.

So if you’re looking for a delicious twist on traditional cola, give Dublin Red Cola a try!


The soda is made with carbonated water, pure cane sugar, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural kola nut, and sodium benzoate.

With its proprietary blend of flavors and high-quality ingredients, Dublin Red Cola stands out from other colas on the market.

History of Dublin Dr Pepper

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Origin and popularity

Dublin Red Cola, a craft soda produced by Dublin Bottling Works, has its origins in the small town of Dublin, Texas.

It is no surprise that this cola has gained popularity over the years, with its unique blend of flavors including cherry, licorice, plum, caramel, and cola.

The smooth and rich taste of Dublin Red Cola has been developed for 126 years using pure cane sugar and a proprietary blend of stone fruit flavors.

This delicious drink has become known as “Red Cola” or “Founders Recipe Cola,” capturing the hearts of soda enthusiasts across the country.

Discontinuation of Dublin Dr Pepper

In 2012, the beloved Dublin Dr Pepper was abruptly discontinued, leaving many fans disappointed. The decision to stop production came after a long-standing legal dispute between Dublin Bottling Works and the Dr Pepper Snapple Group.

As a result, Dublin Bottling Works had to change the name of their soda to Dublin Red Cola and no longer use the famous “Dublin Dr Pepper” label.

This marked the end of an era for loyal fans who cherished the unique flavor of the original Dublin Dr Pepper.

Despite its discontinuation, the legacy of Dublin Dr Pepper lives on in the form of Dublin Red Cola, which carries on its rich history and commitment to using pure cane sugar as a sweetener.

Dublin Bottling Works and their other beverages

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Dublin Bottling Works offers a range of other beverages, including their popular Dublin 1891 Red Cola, retro Creme Soda, and Triple XXX root beer.

Dublin 1891 Red Cola

Made by Dublin Bottling Works, this fizzy beverage combines the classic cola flavor with hints of cherry, licorice, plum, and caramel.

It’s a unique blend that sets it apart from other colas on the market. Crafted with carbonated water, pure cane sugar, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural kola nut, and sodium benzoate, Dublin 1891 Red Cola delivers a smooth and rich taste that keeps customers coming back for more.

This beloved drink is often referred to as “Red Cola” or “Founders Recipe Cola,” paying homage to its long-standing history and enduring popularity.

Retro Creme Soda

Dublin Bottling Works also offers a delightful soda called Retro Creme Soda. This creamy and nostalgic beverage is made with carbonated water, pure cane sugar, and a hint of vanilla flavoring.

With its smooth and refreshing taste, Retro Creme Soda takes you back to the good old days when sodas were enjoyed on hot summer afternoons or at family picnics.

It’s the perfect choice for those looking for a classic soda experience with a touch of nostalgia.

Triple XXX root beer

Triple XXX root beer is another popular craft soda produced by Dublin Bottling Works. It is known for its bold and creamy flavor, making it a favorite among root beer enthusiasts.

Triple XXX root beer is made with high-quality ingredients such as carbonated water, pure cane sugar, and natural flavors.

Customer reviews and reception of Dublin Red Cola

Feedback from consumers

Consumers have had positive feedback about Dublin Red Cola. Many people appreciate the unique blend of flavors, with the cherry flavor being particularly strong and enjoyable.

People also like that Dublin Red Cola is made with natural ingredients and pure cane sugar, giving it a smooth and rich taste.

Comparisons to other cola brands often favor Dublin Red Cola for its distinctive flavor profile. Overall, consumers seem to be satisfied with this craft soda from Dublin Bottling Works.

Comparisons to other cola brands

Dublin Red Cola stands out from other cola brands thanks to its unique flavor profile. Unlike traditional colas, Dublin Red Cola combines the classic cola taste with a blend of cherry, licorice, plum, and caramel flavors.

This proprietary blend gives it a distinct fruity twist that sets it apart from other colas on the market.

With its smooth and rich taste developed over 126 years, Dublin Red Cola offers a refreshing alternative for those looking to try something different in the cola aisle.


Dublin Red Cola is a craft soda that offers a unique twist on the classic cola flavor. With its blend of cherry, licorice, plum, and caramel flavors, it stands apart from Dr Pepper in terms of taste.

While Dublin Bottling Works may no longer produce Dublin Dr Pepper, their Red Cola continues to delight customers with its rich and smooth profile.

Try Dublin Red Cola today for a refreshing beverage experience.