Updated at: 08-08-2023 - By: John Lau

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you accidentally drank moldy Gatorade? It’s not something we often think about, but it can happen to anyone. Mold contamination in beverages can pose a serious health risk and should never be taken lightly.

In this blog post, we will explore the potential dangers of consuming moldy Gatorade, including possible symptoms, what to do if you find yourself in such an unfortunate situation, and tips on preventing mold growth in your drinks.

Understanding Mold Contamination

What Happens If You Drink Moldy Gatorade

Mold contamination can have severe health effects, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Health Effects Of Consuming Mold

The health effects of consuming mold can range from minor discomfort to more severe symptoms, depending on the type and amount of mold ingested. In general, mold exposure may lead to intestinal infectionsloose bowel movementsbloating, and acid reflux.

One major concern when it comes to ingesting mold is the presence of mycotoxins—harmful compounds produced by certain types of fungi. Some mycotoxins have been linked to cancer in animals and are known to cause liver cancer in humans.

It’s worth noting that some soft drinks contain antimicrobial agents that help fight against yeasts, molds, and bacteria—a reassuring fact if you happen to drink a small amount of contaminated Gatorade accidentally.

Common Sources Of Mold Contamination

Mold contamination is a common issue that can be attributed to several factors. It thrives in environments with increased moisture, dampness and organic materials serving as their source of food.

In some cases, mold may contaminate beverages like Gatorade if not stored properly or when exposed to external factors promoting fungal growth. For example, leaving it in an unsealed container or bottle for extended periods could introduce airborne mold spores into the drink.

It’s crucial to understand these common sources of contamination and take necessary measures like proper storage techniques and regular inspection before consumption.

How Mold Grows In Beverages

Mold growth in beverages is a common occurrence and can be a cause for concern, especially when consuming sports drinks like Gatorade. This unwanted fungal invasion typically begins with the introduction of mold spores into the liquid and takes off once it finds suitable conditions to thrive.

In many cases, mold will start growing within just five days, but certain additives may speed up this process to as little as two days. Non-carbonated beverages are particularly susceptible to propagation of mold since they provide a more hospitable environment compared to carbonated drinks where mold spores might survive but not grow optimally.

Although some believe alcohol acts as an inhibitor, even alcoholic beverages aren’t immune from fungal contamination due to its typical low concentration levels in most drinks.

Risks Of Drinking Moldy Gatorade

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Drinking moldy Gatorade can result in a range of health problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal infection and loose bowel movements.


Consuming moldy Gatorade can lead to various health issues, including nausea. Mold produces mycotoxins that can cause food poisoning symptoms when ingested. Nausea is a common symptom of food poisoning caused by drinking contaminated beverages like Gatorade.

In addition to nausea, other symptoms may include vomiting and diarrhea. If you start feeling nauseous after drinking moldy Gatorade or any other beverage, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional immediately.


If you drink moldy Gatorade, vomiting is one of the most common symptoms that you may experience. This occurs because mold produces toxins known as mycotoxins, which can cause foodborne illness and affect your digestive system.

In some cases, these toxins can build up in the body over time and lead to more severe health problems. It’s important to monitor your symptoms if you accidentally ingest moldy Gatorade and seek medical attention if necessary.

Preventing mold growth in beverages is crucial for ensuring food safety and avoiding the risks associated with fungal contamination.


Drinking moldy Gatorade can cause a host of health problems, including diarrhea. This is because the mold and bacteria that grow in contaminated drinks like Gatorade produce toxins that irritate the digestive system and can lead to inflammation and diarrhea.

While not everyone who drinks moldy Gatorade will experience these symptoms, those with weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions may be more susceptible to food poisoning and other complications.

Other Symptoms

In addition to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, consuming moldy Gatorade can cause other symptoms. These may include respiratory problems such as coughing or wheezing, unexplained infections that may not respond to treatment with antibiotics, and cramping.

It’s essential to note that individuals with allergies or compromised immune systems are at greater risk when exposed to mycotoxins from mold contamination in food or beverages.

Pesticide applicators are also vulnerable to Paraquat dichloride ingestion – a potent herbicide linked with toxicity and severe health risks.

What To Do If You Accidentally Drink Moldy Gatorade

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If you accidentally consume moldy Gatorade, it’s important to monitor your symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary to ensure your health stays in good condition.

Monitor Your Symptoms

If you accidentally drink moldy Gatorade, it’s essential to monitor your symptoms closely. While most people may not experience any issues, some may require medical attention if they exhibit symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

It’s crucial to be aware of the signs of methanol poisoning and paraquat toxicity, two severe conditions that can occur due to accidental ingestion. In case of collapse, trouble breathing or other alarming symptoms after drinking moldy Gatorade, call 911 right away.

Seek Medical Attention If Necessary

If you accidentally drink moldy Gatorade, it is essential to monitor your symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary. The ingestion of mold can cause a range of health complications such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other toxic symptoms.

Poison Control Centers provide online or phone assistance 24/7 for possible poisoning cases. It’s important to remember that certain substances found in everyday household items can be life-threatening when ingested accidentally.

For instance, Paraquat Dichloride is an extremely toxic substance found in certain pesticides that can cause accidental poisoning and death. Methanol, another toxic alcohol found in various household and industrial agents, is also a potential danger if ingested.

Preventing Mold Growth In Beverages

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Store drinks in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and humidity; regularly clean your fridge or pantry shelves to prevent mold growth; check for expiration dates before consuming beverages; and inspect drinks for signs of mold before drinking.

Proper Storage Techniques

To prevent mold growth in Gatorade and other beverages, proper storage techniques are key. It is important to store drinks in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat.

Once opened, refrigerate the beverage and consume it within the recommended timeframe specified on the label.

Furthermore, checking for expiration dates and inspecting drinks for signs of mold before consuming them can help reduce the risk of illness. For those seeking natural alternatives to chemical preservatives like benzoates, some natural preservatives have been found effective in inhibiting spoilage bacteria’s growth while improving flavor stability.

Regular Cleaning And Maintenance

To prevent mold growth in your favorite beverages like Gatorade, it’s important to regularly clean and maintain the containers they’re stored in. This means washing bottles or other drink holders every 5-7 days with warm water and soap to remove any potential sources of contamination that could lead to spoilage or microbial growth.

It’s also wise to inspect drinks for mold before consuming them, as even a small amount can cause illness if ingested.

Checking For Expiration Dates

It is highly crucial to check for expiration dates before consuming any beverage, including Gatorade. This is because expired Gatorade can lead to mold growth, which can cause intestinal infection and health risks.

The shelf life of Gatorade may vary based on storage conditions, but the “best by” date listed on the container indicates quality rather than food safety.

It’s important not to consume Gatorade beyond the two-year period from its manufacture date as it loses its nutritional value over time.

Inspecting Drinks For Mold Before Consuming

It’s essential to inspect your drinks for mold growth before consuming them. This is especially important if the drink has been left open or sitting for an extended period.

Look closely at the surface of the drink and inside the container for any signs of mold growth, such as a fuzzy layer or discoloration.

If you notice any visible signs of mold or unpleasant odors, discard it immediately to avoid ingesting harmful toxins that could make you sick. Always keep in mind that prevention is key when it comes to avoiding contamination from mold in beverages.

Common Myths And Misconceptions

Contrary to popular belief, Gatorade can indeed grow mold if it’s left open or contaminated in some way.

Can Gatorade Get Moldy?

Yes, Gatorade can get moldy if it is not stored properly. Mold is a type of fungus that grows in moist environments, and water or sugary sports drinks like Gatorade are prone to mold growth due to their liquid nature.

If left out for too long, Gatorade can be a breeding ground for mold, leading to unpleasant health effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is important to regularly check any beverages for signs of mold growth before consuming them and store them properly in cool and dry places to prevent contamination.

Can Old Gatorade Make You Sick?

Although Gatorade is formulated to replace electrolytes and minerals, it should not be consumed once it has passed its expiration date. Expired Gatorade may have lost its effectiveness in replenishing the body’s nutrients, which can lead to dehydration and other adverse effects.

Moreover, if left out for too long or improperly stored, mold can grow on the drink, making you sick when ingested. The growth of bacteria in expired Gatorade can cause intestinal infections that result in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating or acid reflux.


Drinking moldy Gatorade can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Mold contamination is not only limited to Gatorade but other beverages like protein powder as well.

It’s important to be cautious when consuming any compromised drink and monitor your health for potential symptoms. Checking for signs of allergic or severe illness is crucial if accidentally ingesting moldy Gatorade.

Additionally, it’s recommended that we properly store our drinks and regularly check their expiration dates to prevent bacterial growth in future use.