Updated at: 22-07-2023 - By: John Lau

Are you a fan of Japanese sake but find yourself confused about the different types?

Here’s an interesting fact: Junmai Sake, often considered the purest form, is brewed using only rice, water, yeast and koji.

This blog post will unravel the world of this traditional beverage for you – from its unique brewing process to its taste profile.

Read on and let us help you appreciate Junmai Sake like a true connoisseur!

Understanding Junmai Sake

What Is Junmai Sake (1)

Definition of Junmai Sake

Derived from the Japanese language, Junmai translates to “pure rice.” The term is central in defining a significant category within sake—Japan’s iconic rice wine.

Junmai Sake embodies purity and simplicity, crafted only with rice, water, koji (a type of mold spore), and yeast.

Unlike some variations of sake that incorporate added brewer’s alcohol in their production process, Junmai Sake holds its ground by excluding any additives.

This uncomplicated approach results in a product that can be termed as pure rice wine or ‘Junmai’ sake.

The principal ingredient—rice—is milled down heavily before brewing to ensure optimal fermentation and enhance the overall taste profile.

Each grain of rice used for Junmai Sake undergoes meticulous milling down to 70% or less of its original size—an essential factor classifying this beverage into the prestigious group known as specialty sakes.

As an integral player within Japanese sake brewing traditions, this particular classification denotes superior quality since no additives are incorporated throughout the sake production process.

With deep roots anchored solidly in traditional brewing techniques inherent with Japan’s unique culture and tastes, Junmai Sake represents an authentic journey into Japan’s historical drinking heritage while providing nuanced layers of flavor experience unlike any other traditional drink varieties out there.

Ingredients and production process

Junmai Sake is made using a simple yet meticulous brewing process. The main ingredients used are rice, water, koji, and yeast.

The quality of the rice is crucial to the final taste and aroma of the sake.

High-quality sake rice varieties like Yamada Nishiki or Gohyakumangoku are often chosen for their unique flavor profiles.

The production process starts with polishing the rice to remove impurities and outer layers, leaving only the starchy center. The more the rice is polished, the higher quality sake it produces.

After polishing, the rice is then steamed carefully to achieve optimal moisture content for fermentation. Koji mold is added to convert starches into fermentable sugars through a process called saccharification.

Next comes fermentation, where yeast converts sugar into alcohol over several weeks or even months in temperature-controlled tanks.

This slow fermentation process allows flavors and aromas to develop fully.

Characteristics of Junmai Sake

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Flavor profiles

Junmai Sake offers a wide range of flavor profiles that cater to various preferences. It can have a rich, full-bodied taste with hints of earthiness and umami flavors.

Some Junmai Sake may exhibit fruity notes like apple or pear, while others might showcase floral aromas such as cherry blossom or honeysuckle.

The flavor intensity can vary from mild and delicate to bold and robust, depending on the specific type of Junmai Sake you choose.

Additionally, the rice polishing ratio also influences the flavor profile, with higher polished sakes often having a cleaner and more refined taste.

So whether you prefer something light and crisp or deeply complex, there is a Junmai Sake out there to suit your palate.

Food pairings

Here are some delicious options to consider:

  1. Sushi and Sashimi: Junmai Sake pairs perfectly with fresh seafood like sushi and sashimi. The clean, crisp flavors of the sake complement the delicate flavors of raw fish.
  2. Tempura: The light and crispy texture of tempura is an excellent match for Junmai Sake. The sake’s acidity helps cut through the richness of the battered and fried dish.
  3. Grilled Meats: Whether you’re indulging in succulent steak or juicy yakitori skewers, Junmai Sake’s umami notes bring out the savory flavors in grilled meats.
  4. Cheese: For cheese lovers, Junmai Sake offers a unique pairing experience. The drink’s complex flavors can beautifully complement a variety of cheeses, from mild cheddar to creamy Brie.
  5. Spicy Foods: If you enjoy spicy cuisine, pair your Junmai Sake with dishes like curry or spicy tuna rolls. The sake’s smoothness helps soothe the heat while enhancing the flavors.
  6. Chocolate Desserts: For those with a sweet tooth, try pairing Junmai Sake with rich chocolate desserts like lava cake or dark chocolate truffles. The sake’s subtle sweetness complements the richness of the chocolate.
  7. Fruits and Berries: Fresh fruits like melons, strawberries, and peaches go hand in hand with Junmai Sake. The fruity notes in the sake accentuate the natural sweetness of the fruits.
  8. Light Salads: When enjoying a light salad, such as mixed greens or cucumber salad, opt for a dry Junmai Sake to cleanse your palate between bites.

Serving temperatures

Junmai Sake can be enjoyed at various temperatures, each offering a unique flavor experience.

Here are the recommended serving temperatures for Junmai Sake:

  1. Chilled (5-10°C): This is the most common way to enjoy Junmai Sake. Chilling the sake enhances its crisp and refreshing flavors, making it perfect for hot summer days.
  2. Room temperature (15-20°C): Allowing Junmai Sake to warm up slightly brings out its richer and more robust flavors. This temperature range is ideal for those who prefer a fuller-bodied taste.
  3. Warm (40-50°C): Heating Junmai Sake intensifies its aromas and creates a comforting drinking experience. Warmer temperatures accentuate the umami flavors and make it a great option for colder weather.
  4. Hot (50-55°C): Heating Junmai Sake to this higher temperature intensifies its flavors even further, providing a warming sensation and enhancing the sake’s overall character.

Different Types of Junmai Sake

What Is Junmai Sake (3)

Junmai Ginjo

Junmai Ginjo is a premium type of Junmai Sake that undergoes an additional milling process, resulting in a higher quality and more refined sake.

With rice being polished to at least 60%, Junmai Ginjo offers a smoother and lighter flavor profile compared to other sakes.

This beautiful brew showcases elegant fruity notes like apple, pear, and melon, along with delicate floral aromas. It pairs wonderfully with seafood dishes like sushi and sashimi or even lightly seasoned chicken or vegetable dishes.

When serving Junmai Ginjo, it’s best enjoyed slightly chilled to enhance its crispness and aromatic qualities.

Popular brands to look out for include Dassai, Hakutsuru Junmai Ginjo, and Kikusui Junmai Ginjo.

Junmai Daiginjo

Junmai Daiginjo is a premium type of Junmai Sake that goes through an even more extensive milling process, resulting in an exceptionally smooth and refined sake.

With its highly polished rice, typically milled to 50% or less, Junmai Daiginjo showcases the best qualities of sake production.

This meticulous milling process removes unwanted impurities from the rice grains, allowing for a delicate flavor profile with hints of fruitiness and floral notes.

It is often described as elegant and complex, making it a favorite among connoisseurs and those looking for a luxurious drinking experience.

Pairing well with light dishes like seafood and salads, Junmai Daiginjo can be enjoyed at slightly chilled temperatures to truly appreciate its subtle nuances.

Some popular brands known for their exquisite Junmai Daiginjo offerings include Dassai, Dewazakura, and Hakkaisan.

Tokubetsu Junmai

Tokubetsu Junmai is a special type of Junmai Sake that offers a unique and refined flavor profile.

It is made using the same ingredients as regular Junmai Sake – rice, water, yeast, and koji – but with an added level of precision in its production process.

Tokubetsu Junmai undergoes a meticulous brewing technique that results in a more polished rice grain.

This extra step enhances the sake’s aroma, clarity, and smoothness on the palate.

What sets Tokubetsu Junmai apart from other types of Junmai Sake is its versatility. It can be enjoyed both chilled or heated, depending on your preference.

The flavors range from light and delicate to rich and complex, making it suitable for various food pairings.

Whether you’re enjoying sushi or grilled meats, Tokubetsu Junmai adds depth to your dining experience.

Some popular brands known for their exceptional Tokubetsu Junmai include Dassai 50 and Tenryo Hidahomare.

These labels are highly regarded within the sake community for their commitment to quality craftsmanship.

Enjoying Junmai Sake

Tasting tips

Here are some tasting tips for enjoying Junmai Sake:

  1. Pour the sake into a small, narrow glass to concentrate its aroma.
  2. Take a moment to observe the color and clarity of the sake before taking a sip.
  3. Gently swirl the glass to release the fragrance and enhance your sensory experience.
  4. Take a small sip and let it linger in your mouth for a few seconds to fully appreciate the flavors.
  5. Notice the balance between sweetness, acidity, and umami in the sake.
  6. Experiment with different serving temperatures to discover how it affects the taste.
  7. Pair Junmai Sake with dishes that complement its flavors, such as grilled seafood or sushi.
  8. Remember that Junmai Sake often has a higher acidity level, which can provide a refreshing palate cleanser during meals.
  9. Pay attention to the texture of the sake – is it light and smooth or more robust?
  10. Explore different Junmai Sake brands and variations to find your personal preference.

Popular Junmai Sake brands

Junmai Sake offers a wide range of brands that are loved by sake enthusiasts around the world.

Here are some popular Junmai Sake brands to explore:

  1. Hakutsuru – Known for its smooth and balanced flavorHakutsuru Junmai Sake is a favorite among sake lovers. It has a delicate aroma with hints of fruit and is perfect for pairing with seafood dishes.
  2. Dassai – Dassai Junmai Sake is highly regarded for its exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Made with Yamada Nishiki rice, it has a rich and fruity taste profile, making it ideal for sipping on its own or enjoying with sushi.
  3. Tozai – Tozai Junmai Sake offers a modern twist on traditional sake brewing techniques. With varieties like “Blossom of Peace” and “Living Jewel,” Tozai brings unique flavors to the table that pair well with a variety of cuisines.
  4. Gekkeikan – As one of the oldest sake breweries in Japan, Gekkeikan produces high-quality Junmai Sake loved by connoisseurs worldwide. Their portfolio includes a range of options from light and crisp to rich and full-bodied.
  5. Kubota – Kubota Junmai Sake stands out for its refined taste and elegant presentation. Made using locally grown rice in Niigata prefecture, Kubota offers different grades of Junmai Sake suited for both casual enjoyment and special occasions.
  6. Ozeki – Ozeki Brewery is known for producing versatile and accessible Junmai Sake options that cater to different preferences. Whether you prefer dry or sweet, Ozeki offers a wide selection of flavors to suit your palate.
  7. Born Muroka – Born Muroka is gaining popularity as an artisanal Junmai Sake brand that focuses on raw flavor profiles without filtration or added water. It delivers bold flavors with layers of complexity that appeal to sake enthusiasts looking for something unique.

Where to buy Junmai Sake

Looking to buy Junmai Sake? Here are some options for you:

  1. Local liquor stores: Check out your nearest liquor store and ask if they carry Junmai Sake. They may have a selection of different brands and types available.
  2. Online retailers: There are several online retailers that specialize in selling Japanese sake, including Junmai Sake. Websites like Japancentre.com and SakeSocial.com offer a wide range of sake options for purchase.
  3. Japanese grocery stores: If you have a Japanese grocery store or specialty food market in your area, they may have a section dedicated to sake. Look for Junmai Sake labels on the shelves, or ask the staff for assistance.
  4. Restaurants and bars: Some restaurants and bars that serve Japanese cuisine may also sell bottles of Junmai Sake for takeout or delivery. Check with your favorite local spot to see if they offer this option.
  5. Sake breweries: If you’re looking for a more unique experience, consider visiting a local sake brewery or contacting one online. Many breweries ship their products directly to customers, allowing you to purchase Junmai Sake straight from the source.


In conclusion, Junmai Sake is a pure rice sake that showcases the essence of Japanese craftsmanship and tradition.

With its rich flavors, versatility in food pairings, and various types to explore, it’s no wonder why Junmai Sake has gained popularity both within Japan and internationally.

Whether you’re new to the world of sake or a seasoned enthusiast, discovering the nuances of Junmai Sake is an experience worth savoring.