Updated at: 05-09-2023 - By: John Lau

Are you trying to kick your unhealthy soda habit but can’t resist the carbonated delight? Over 63% of Americans consume at least one sweetened beverage daily, a huge contributor to obesity and diabetes.

This blog post will introduce you to top-rated organic sodas that are health-friendly yet satisfyingly fizzy. Ready for a bubbly journey into healthier choices? Let’s dive in!

Pros and Cons of Top Organic Soda Brands

The top organic soda brands have their pros and cons that are worth considering before making a choice.

Blue Sky

What's The Best Organic Soda (1)

Blue Sky products are deemed one of the top organic soda brands. They offer a variety of flavors, including cola, root beer, and cream soda. Containing all-natural ingredients and being caffeine-free makes them an appealing choice for those seeking healthier carbonated drinks.

Plus, their commitment to staying chemical-free assures you’re getting a clean product. Blue Sky crafts its sodas without any added sugar or artificial flavors. The brand even sells its tasty offerings in glass bottles to maintain freshness and integrity.

This way they guarantee that nothing harmful leaches into your drink from plastic packaging material.


Oogavé is one of the top organic soda brands that you should consider if you’re looking for a healthier alternative to regular soda. What sets Oogavé apart from other brands is its commitment to using only natural and organic ingredients in their drinks.

They offer a range of delicious flavors, including cola, root beer, and cream soda, all made without caffeine or any artificial chemicals. Oogavé sodas are also available in glass bottles, which helps to preserve the taste and quality of the drinks.

If you’re searching for a carbonated beverage that is both tasty and better for your health, Oogavé is definitely worth trying out.


What's The Best Organic Soda (2)

Bionade is a popular organic soda brand known for its unique and refreshing flavors. Made with organic ingredients, Bionade offers a healthier alternative to conventional sodas. With options like lemon-lime, elderberry, and ginger-orange, Bionade provides a wide range of delicious choices without any artificial additives or preservatives.

Plus, it’s caffeine-free! The soda is also packaged in glass bottles, which helps to preserve the flavor and prevent chemicals from leaching into the drink. If you’re looking for a tasty and chemical-free carbonated beverage option, Bionade is definitely worth giving a try.


Galvanina is a top organic soda brand that offers a range of delicious and healthier soda options. They have an extensive selection of flavors, including cola, root beer, and cream soda.

What sets Galvanina apart is their commitment to using only natural ingredients in their beverages. Their sodas are caffeine-free and crafted without any chemicals or artificial additives.

Plus, Galvanina packages their drinks in glass bottles, which helps maintain the freshness and flavor of the soda. If you’re looking for a refreshing and guilt-free carbonated drink, Galvanina is definitely worth trying.


Wewi is a top organic soda brand that offers a wide range of delicious flavors. Made with natural ingredients, Wewi sodas are free from chemicals and artificial additives. Their soda lineup includes classic options like cola, root beer, and cream soda, all crafted to deliver a satisfying carbonation without caffeine.

What sets Wewi apart is their commitment to using high-quality ingredients and offering healthier alternatives to regular sodas. With Wewi, you can enjoy the refreshing taste of soda guilt-free.

Simple Organic

What's The Best Organic Soda (3)

Simple Organic is another top organic soda brand that offers a range of delicious and refreshing flavors. Made with natural ingredients, Simple Organic sodas are a healthier alternative to regular soda options on the market.

These sodas are caffeine-free and crafted without any artificial chemicals or additives. With options like organic cola, root beer, cream soda, and lemon-lime soda, Simple Organic has something for everyone’s taste preferences.

Plus, their sodas come in glass bottles, which not only adds to their appeal but also helps reduce plastic waste. If you’re looking for a tasty carbonated drink that’s made with quality ingredients and free from harmful additives, give Simple Organic a try!

Healthiest Soda Alternatives

Some healthy soda alternatives include natural soda brands, sparkling juice options, and prebiotic sodas.

Natural Soda Brands

Natural soda brands offer a healthier alternative to regular soda. These carbonated drinks are made with natural ingredients and avoid artificial additives. Here are some top organic soda brands to consider:

  1. Blue Sky Soda – Known for its wide range of flavors and commitment to using real cane sugar.
  2. Hansen’s Natural Soda – Offers refreshing options like ginger ale, root beer, and cream soda.
  3. Zevia Soda – A popular choice for those looking for a sugar-free organic soda option.

Sparkling Juice Options

Looking for a healthier alternative to regular soda? Consider trying sparkling juice options instead. These carbonated beverages are made with natural fruit juice, delivering a refreshing and flavorful experience without the added sugars and artificial ingredients found in traditional sodas. Here are some top organic sparkling juice brands to consider:

  1. Lacroix: Offering a wide range of flavors like lemon, lime, and berry, Lacroix is known for its natural and refreshing taste.
  2. San Pellegrino: This popular Italian brand offers a variety of sparkling juices made from real fruit extracts. Choose from flavors like orange, lemon, and grapefruit.
  3. Spindrift: Made with real squeezed fruit, Spindrift’s sparkling juices are bursting with flavor. They come in unique blends such as raspberry lime and strawberry.
  4. Izze: With flavors like blackberry, grapefruit, and peach, Izze’s sparkling juices combine natural fruit juice with sparkling water for a light and tasty beverage.
  5. Perrier: Known for its iconic mineral water, Perrier also offers a range of delicious sparkling juices in flavors like strawberry kiwi and pineapple mango.

Prebiotic Sodas

Prebiotic sodas can be a healthy alternative to regular soda for those looking to improve their gut health. These sodas contain prebiotic fibers that can help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Some popular prebiotic soda brands include:

  1. Clearly Kombucha: Made with organic ingredients and fermented with live cultures, Clearly Kombucha offers a range of flavors like black currant and raspberry ginger.
  2. Health-Ade Kombucha: Health-Ade kombucha is made from high-quality ingredients and contains a mix of prebiotics and probiotics for optimal gut health.
  3. Drizly’s Prebiotic Soda: This brand offers a variety of different flavors including lemon-lime, ginger ale, and root beer, all made with natural ingredients and prebiotic fibers.
  4. Live Sodas: Live Sodas are made with real fruit juice concentrates and contain no added sugars or artificial sweeteners. They offer flavors like cherry cola, lemon lime, and orange soda.
  5. Good Culture Gut Shots: These fermented shots are packed with probiotics and prebiotics to support digestive health. They come in delicious flavors like mango turmeric and strawberry hibiscus.

My Review of 3 Popular Organic Sodas

In this section, I will provide my honest review of three popular organic sodas – Blue Sky Soda, Hansen’s Natural Soda, and Zevia Soda. Get ready to discover which one comes out on top! Read more to find out.

Blue Sky Soda

Blue Sky Soda is one of the top organic soda brands available in the market. It offers a wide range of flavors, including cola, root beer, and cream soda. One of the best things about Blue Sky Soda is that it is caffeine-free and made with all-natural ingredients.

It comes in glass bottles, which not only adds to its appeal but also helps to preserve its flavor. With no chemicals or artificial additives, Blue Sky Soda provides a healthier alternative to regular soda options.

So if you’re looking for a tasty carbonated drink without compromising on your health goals, Blue Sky Soda is definitely worth trying out.

Hansen’s Natural Soda

Hansen’s Natural Soda is a popular organic soda brand that offers a variety of flavors to satisfy your taste buds. Made with real cane sugar and natural ingredients, Hansen’s Natural Soda provides a healthier alternative to regular sodas.

With options like root beer, cream soda, and lemon-lime soda, you can enjoy the fizzy goodness without worrying about artificial additives or excessive sodium content. The fact that Hansen’s Natural Soda comes in glass bottles adds to its appeal for those looking for an environmentally friendly option.

So if you’re in search of a delicious and refreshing drink that won’t compromise your health, give Hansen’s Natural Soda a try!

Zevia Soda

Zevia Soda is a popular brand of organic soda that offers a range of delicious flavors without any artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Made with all-natural ingredients, Zevia Soda provides a healthier alternative to traditional carbonated drinks.

Whether you’re craving cola, root beer, cream soda, or lemon-lime soda, Zevia has got you covered. Plus, it’s caffeine-free and comes in glass bottles for an eco-friendly option. With its chemical-free formula and refreshing taste, Zevia Soda is a top choice for those looking to enjoy a guilt-free fizzy drink.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Organic Soda

When choosing organic soda, it is important to consider factors such as ingredients, sugar content, flavor options, and availability.


Organic sodas are known for their natural and wholesome ingredients. When it comes to choosing the best organic soda, it’s important to pay attention to what goes into each bottle.

Look for brands that use certified organic ingredients, avoiding artificial flavors and preservatives. Many top organic soda brands pride themselves on using real fruit juices, natural sweeteners like cane sugar or stevia, and botanical extracts for flavor.

Some even add herbal infusions or adaptogens for added health benefits. By opting for sodas with quality ingredients, you can enjoy a refreshing drink without compromising your health-conscious lifestyle.

Sugar Content

When choosing an organic soda, it’s important to consider the sugar content. Many conventional sodas are loaded with excessive amounts of added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

Organic sodas often have lower sugar content compared to their conventional counterparts, making them a healthier choice. Opt for organic sodas that are sweetened with natural ingredients like fruit juices or stevia rather than high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners.

By choosing organic sodas with lower sugar content, you can enjoy a refreshing carbonated drink without worrying about consuming too much added sugar.

Flavor Options

Organic soda offers a wide range of flavor options to suit every taste bud. From classic cola and root beer to unique options like lemon-lime and cream soda, there is something for everyone.

These flavors are all crafted using natural ingredients, making them a healthier choice compared to conventional sodas. Whether you prefer a caffeine-free option or want to enjoy the fizziness of carbonation without any artificial additives, organic soda has got you covered.

So sit back, relax, and indulge in these delicious flavor options guilt-free.

When it comes to flavor options in organic sodas, the possibilities are endless. You can find everything from traditional favorites to innovative combinations that will tantalize your taste buds.


Organic sodas have become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people seeking healthier alternatives to conventional soft drinks. When it comes to availability, some organic soda brands may be easier to find than others.

Brands like Blue Sky, Oogavé, Bionade, Galvanina, Wewi, and Simple Organic are known for their wide distribution in various stores and online platforms. This means that no matter where you live or shop, you’ll likely be able to find these top organic soda options.

So if you’re looking for a refreshing beverage without the artificial additives and chemicals found in regular sodas, finding an organic option shouldn’t be too difficult.


After exploring the pros and cons of various organic soda brands, it’s clear that Blue Sky, Oogavé, Bionade, Galvanina, Wewi, and Simple Organic are all great options. However, when it comes to finding the best organic soda for you, consider factors like ingredients, sugar content, flavor options, and availability.

By making an informed choice based on your preferences and dietary needs, you can enjoy a healthier alternative to regular soda without compromising on taste. Cheers to finding your favorite organic carbonated beverage!